Chunky Time (Capeto Carrión) is a multidisciplinary artist. Born and raised in Managua, Nicaragua, with a brief stay in Madrid, until finally settling in the small beach town of San Juan del Sur, in the pacific coast of Nicaragua. Chunky Time is comfortable designing brands, producing motion graphic pieces, and creating original artwork. He has worked in different AD agencies, Multimedia Production Companies, and as a teacher at a University. Constantly expanding his artistic repertoire, he is always searching for the next professional challenge.


Motion Graphics
Visuals, promotions, ads, 2D and 3D animation, we produce and direct audio visual pieces that convey your message. Why stay static?

A stand alone piece of art, or complementing illustrated elements for your other products, we conceptualize it and make it tangible, on paper, on a screen or on a wall.

Brand Identity
Create an effective, powerful and consistent visual identity for your brand, logo, colors, applications and more with a brand manual to help you take care of it.

Graphic Design
Convey your message in a visually attractive manner, on print or web advertisement. Present your product in the most pleasing way with packaging design so that your products stand out off the shelves.